Sunday, February 15, 2009

thesis statement is hard!

Basically in my understanding, position paper is a paper worth debating a topic on...thus, to make it debatable, a good topic is essential. Since i've learned MLIE in IPTI, i'm so into the MLIE texts, because i think, our Malaysian English writers are damn talented. Therefore, i've decided to work on MLIE text, plus, Dr.Edwin recommend us to choose MLIE texs because there are more familiar to us.
So, as i flipped through my MLIE file, I decided to work on "Sara and the wedding" by Karim Raslan. I chose this story because I'm so interested on how the author has artfully interwoven believable characters, settings, and situations in the short story.
Sara and the Wedding. Sara and the Wedding delves on how unmarried women are portrayed in a typical traditional Malay community.
Now,choosing a story is one thing, and to create a thesis statement is another difficult. After scratching my head tons of times, i've come out with one thesis statement, which is; Sara’s self worth is measured by physical beauty, age, marital status and sexual attraction. I hope Mr.Omid will approve it.