Sunday, March 22, 2009

Presenting my position paper..grrr..

I present my position paper and what’s more I’m the last person for today’s tutorial (4th March 2009). I feel happy that it is finally my turn to present even though I’m deadly nervous during the presentation. Actually, I'm not really prepared to present on that day, but friends advice me, to just present it, and get over it. So, I just stand there, and present it. I felt so relieved.

Process of writing the position paper..

Ok...approving my thesis statement stage is over and now its the writing part...
As i chose to work on MLIE texts, thus its so little that I can get from the internet about this story, which can help me. So, i need to work it on all by myself.
As this assignment requires me to be critical with my stand and supporting arguments, I had to read the text several times. At a certain point, I think I’d already mastered the story hehe…it seems to me creating a good statement was already hard, supporting the statement requires me to triple the effort. It was even harder. It might be easy to just talk about it but when it’s written, I have to make my arguments as strong as possible to make sure the people reading my paper will also agree with what I’m saying...i wonder how hard it will be doing my research paper then??