Sunday, April 12, 2009

Freedom writers; what a great a movie!

Hmm....actually before Dr. Edwin assigned us to watch the movie, I actually have watched it twice on HBO. And I only have one word for it...superb!!!! I don't know, I always love watching true least I know I for real and nothing in it is fiction. Fiction always lies...full of lies.
Ms Gruwell was a great teacher. She had a bumpy start at first but she manages to tackle her students well and to me it’s impressive. She didn't start with pouring in everything out of the syllabus to the students and to me that was a good move. Maybe to the other teachers she was doing nothing but actually, she had done a lot. It needs a lot of effort for a teacher to gain respect from students especially the 'special' ones like hers. to me, the students are special because they never wanted to have the life they lead, they were forced to and that results in their bad behaviors....
however, it come to me that do we have to let something go in order to gain something else??? Look at Ms Gruwell herself. She lost her husband when she was trying to gain her students' attention. She never did have both...does it mean if we want to have both, we can't be so dedicated in either one??? Because if we are dedicated in one thing, we might just loose another area in life and that’s not fair...maybe humans are greedy. We always wanted more than we can have...but is it greed in wanting to be a great teacher and at the same time, at home, being a good spouse or mother? I don't thinks so...I want to be greedy...I want to be good in both areas of life - career and personal life.

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