Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Passionate Shepherd to his love Vs The Nymph’s Reply

I think these poems are very interesting in terms of the way of it was presented. I love the way Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh using the archaic language. The usage of ‘thee’ and ‘thy’ make the poem sound classic for me.

Besides, I think the way these two poems are presented is very creative, realistic and humorous. This poem is different from others poem in the way where Christopher Marlowe did not use natural element to compare with his love. Instead, he mentioned things he really can do for his love. He tried to use concrete things to persuade his love. And he managed to beautify every simple thing with fantastic descriptions and words.

However, Sir Walter Raleigh managed to reject the shepherd’s love in a very poetic manner. It is very enjoyable and humorous to read the way the girl criticize the materials from the shepherd. I love the way he described how those things could not last. Moreover, I think the girl from “The Nymph” is more sincere and true towards the matter of love. I think one of the reasons she rejected the shepherd maybe was due to the shepherd strong emphasis towards material fulfillment.

Finally, I love the way these poems are presented. The only weird feeling I got from reading these poems is where “The Nymph’s Reply” was written by a male author. It is just a bit weird to read the rejection of a girl from the point of view of a male author.

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