Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rejection is painful

After so much time thinking on what to do on my research paper, I’ve decided to work on a book entitled I am Muslim by Dina Zaman. It’s merely a journalistic way of writing that portrays what the writer encounter in her journey to seek understanding of religion or in other words, it can be regarded as a diary of the writer herself. It contains the writer’s personal point of views regarding issues in the society; although it’s true but some are quite biased. Here, I’m actually wants to look at the way of Dina Zaman’s writing, as she is so famous on her frankness in writing. Dr. Arshad just asked us to write an outline for a start, but I after finishing my outline, I straight writing my 1st draft, because I want Dr. Arshad to have a clear view on my research paper. However, when we go and meet Dr. Arshad, he seems to not favour on my points, because he said it’s too hard and sensitive. I’m quite disappointed because he just read my outline, and refuses to read my draft. Thus, I’ve decided to change my research paper.

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